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Discover the Art of Pack Leadership

with My Dog Camp's Mini-Course

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What’s inside the Mini-Course

 Lesson 1 

 How to Create the Behavior You Want With Your Pack of Dogs 

 Lesson 2 

 How to Resolve Common Problem Behaviors on the Trail

 Lesson 3 

 How to Evaluate and Select Dogs 

 Lesson 4 

 Safety on the Trail 

 Lesson 5 

How to Find Trails to Walk On 

 Lesson 6 

The Pack Walk 

Plus, 4 exclusive bonuses below

Do you want to turn your passion for dogs into a profitable career but not sure where to start?

Are you an existing dog pro who wants to expand your skillset and add a consistent and reliable income stream?
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Welcome to the new My Dog Camp Mini-Course!

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your journey, our jam-packed My Dog Camp Mini-Course is here to propel you towards your dream job working with dogs!


No matter where you stand on your path – starting a dog camp, considering one, or expanding your dog handling skillsthis Mini-Course is your ultimate guide to becoming an incredible Pack Leader!

Our My Dog Camp Mini-Course is packed with the insights and tools you need to launch, grow, or refine your dog camp business, transforming your love for dogs into a fulfilling and profitable career.

Learn the secrets of pack leadership, unlock exclusive strategies, learn the skills necessary to be a successful pack leader and start your journey earning $300-600 a day running Dog Camp!

An Amazing Day at Dog Camp!

Hi! I'm Rhonda Bilodeau,

I'm the creator of the My Dog Camp Online Course.


My passion for empowering individuals to run their own dog camp businesses stems from my unwavering belief that it’s the most rewarding and empowering path one can take in this lifetime (if they love dogs!).

Learn how to become a professional dog walker

With this conviction, I set out to create a transformative course that not only ignites your journey to hiking, training dogs and Pack Leadership but also focuses on self improvement (because every great business needs a great leader). I was once an under-confident Pack Leader until I learned the industries top secrets. Now, in our course, I ensure you'll avoid the struggles and myths that once hindered my own growth.


My 16+ years of hands-on dog camp and dog training experience (especially in off-leash Pack Leadership) have helped countless dogs and guided hundreds of students through our online courses to become confident Pack Leaders. Before I found this career, I wanted to do something big and help others. Now, I help dog lovers like you, who want to make a big impact in their communities creating a profitable career hiking and training dogs.

I had very little understanding about dogs when I first started my journey. I didn't even have a dog when I started my dog walking business and even got denied by my local doggy daycare! I felt like I was starting at a deficit but once I learned all I could and developed a system that worked, a few years later I accomplished being an incredible Pack Leader! The system I used then and improve upon each year is in our course!


My ultimate joy lies in witnessing the transformation of each student, as they discover their passion and embrace their calling. If I can do it, you can do it! You're in much better hands than I was when I first started because you're in my hands! 


As your guide at My Dog Camp, I am thrilled & committed to providing you expert guidance throughout your journey. I can’t wait to empower you to create a life filled with purpose, joy, and success with dogs! You now have someone on your side, rooting for you :)


I look forward to sharing the Mini-Course with you but first,
here's what students of the full My Dog Camp Online Course are saying!

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Green Mountain

Canine Camp

I’m making more than my traditional career...

"Today I am the happiest I have ever been in my career. GMCC has flourished into a bustling small business where I’m making more than my traditional career in marketing!"



VT Dog Treks

Sometimes I still feel like I'm in a dream...

"I get to wake up, spend my day with dogs, make my own schedule, work on my time, and make a legitimate living doing something that I really love and that makes me happy. I’m not angry and stressed out after this long workday at the office. I just feel happy and I feel good. The journey has been amazing."



Touchstone Pack Walks

My mental health is worlds better running a dog camp...

"My mental health is worlds better running a dog camp, it was very emotional to step back from vet med but the results of improved quality of life speak for themselves.”

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Chance's Canine Club

I'm not this like magical dog whisperer...

"I'm not this like magical dog whisperer. I just I took the My Dog Camp Online Course and I followed the program. It genuinely is the most positive life change I've ever made!"



Mountain Ridge Dog Pack

I'm full-time running camp one year out...

"I'm full-time running camp one year out and my camp is full. I have a waitlist of dogs trying to get in! I started off part time and now I have over 30 clients so it's pretty cool to see how you can grow your business!"



Buddy's Buddies

Dog Camp

If there was one thing I knew I loved in life it was dogs...

“The My Dog Camp Course was a perfect fit for me; an over-enthusiastic, unorganized person, with little dog experience. The course helped me finally start a business where I could be really happy spending my days with dogs and living out my entrepreneurial dreams!"

 Can you really make a career out of Dog Camp? 

Absolutely! Check out how much other
Dog Camp Providers are making:

Within 2-3 years of following our proprietary Mastering Pack Leadership System™, most dog camp providers reach...

  • 8-12 dogs a day (take as many dogs as you are comfortable with)

  •  they charge on average $40 per dog for a day of camp 

  •  (you can increase your pricing based on your market & service)

On average, dog camp graduates make...

  •  $400.00 a day ($80/hr) 

  •  for 5 hours of work - hiking, socializing, training & transporting 

  •  They average $2,000.00 a week! 

  •  Many prefer to only work 4 days & have a long weekend  

  •  These graduates make $1,600.00 a week! 

Where else can you do that in the field of dogs?

Run Dog Camp Part-time or Full-time, it's completely up to you!

Breakdown of what's inside the Mini-Course :

Lesson #1 – How to Create the Behaviors You Want With Your Pack of Dogs!

Understand dog psychology to get highly trained dogs faster

We all want a really well behaved pack of dogs but we don’t always know where to start. Are you finding the training you’re using with your dog pack works for some dogs and not for others? Or your training works only part of the time? Maybe it’s not reliable enough for you to feel confident and safe out on the trail?


There’s one thing you really need to know when you want to train a pack of dogs to listen well off-leash and it’s the number one reason why I think most dog walkers and pack walkers fail to get dogs to listen quickly or at all. This training tip is so important because it involves having to re-think how you view dog training and is vital to your success with each and every dog.


Here’s the thing- we’re really good at telling our dogs what we don’t want them to do and we’re not as good at teaching them what we do want them to do and helping to facilitate that change.

In this lesson; 

  1. I’ll give you the one thing you need to know to train a pack of dogs really well that will get you re-thinking dog training

  2. you’ll learn what stress looks like at dog camp

  3. how to train dogs to stay in their parasympathetic nervous system so they can make choices

  4. how to train your camp dogs faster

  5. how to use food to relax your camp dogs 

  6. and you’ll also get a quick video on what creating the behavior you want looks like

Lesson #2 – How to Resolve Common Problem Behaviors on the Trail

Knowledge is key to having a happy life at dog camp!

The first thing we teach in our My Dog Camp course is how to implement our foundational training principles to train the dogs. The training is a mix of teaching relaxation skills and obedience skills to the dog. 

Our Foundational Training Principles:

  • Come

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Stay

  • Behind (for pack walking)

  • Wait at the door

  • Release when called by name or with a release command

  • Walking nicely on a leash to and from their house

  • Relaxing at thresholds

  • Relaxing during transitions (getting out of the house, in the car, out of the car and releasing from sit stays or pack walks)

  • Relaxing around other dogs

  • Relaxing around food

  • Relaxing around people

  • Relaxing with affection 

  • Relaxing in the car

If students implement our foundational training principles they will be able to achieve so much with each dog. After our foundational training principles we then teach some solid rules to follow at dog camp. 

The Rules We Follow: 

  • The Golden Rule

  • The Grade School Model

  • Rewarding for Relaxation

  • Pick the Right Dogs (we go over more of this in the next lesson!)

  • 5 Min Pack Walk Rule 

Learn about these topics in lesson 2!

Lesson #3 – How to Evaluate and Select Dogs

Reading and interpreting dog body language is essential to avoiding disasters!

Dog camp is only for dogs that meet specific requirements because in order to have a safe dog camp we must pick dogs that will listen, flourish and progress in this environment. We’re not expecting dogs to be perfect listeners but we do expect dogs to have certain capabilities to grow at dog camp. Keep reading to learn these important capabilities.

Unfortunately, many dogs would not flourish at dog camp without prior training (if at all) and in fact dog camp could make their behavioral issues worse and jeopardizing the safety of the pack and your business. We advise our students to steer clear of specific dogs. In this lesson I’ll share with you the dogs we take in for dog camp, the dogs we avoid accepting into dog camp and what that evaluation process looks like.

But first, in order to select appropriate dogs for dog camp we must be able to evaluate them. This evaluation process heavily relies on our understanding of how to read and interpret dog body language. Reading body language allows us to interpret what the dog’s needs are, how they are feeling and what they’re communicating to another dog. 

Included in this lesson is a bonus PDF on how to read dog body language we know you’ll find helpful. You’ll learn about calming signals or as some call negotiating signals and why they are so important when evaluating dogs. Read this body language PDF to understand what a dog’s body language is saying to aid you in this lesson.


Once you understand basic dog body language you can move onto evaluating if a dog is a good candidate for dog camp.

Lesson #4 – Safety on the Trail

Safety is all about prevention!

Safety on the trail is all about being prepared. Preparation can look multifaceted. Here are the ways you can keep the dogs safe on the trail.

The most important thing to do to keep your dogs safe on the trail is get the education you need!

Reducing arousal and energy levels helps keep the dogs safe.

When dogs are aroused they have a harder time listening because their energy levels are high, thinking levels are high and the adrenaline running through their system is causing them to react in a fight or flight state (often it’s seen as flightiness through zoomies). This creates an environment where it’s harder to keep the dogs safe because they are no longer in an operant state of mind to make decisions. They are just reacting. 

When dogs are calm they listen better. When dogs are calm they listen to other dogs cues for space, they listen to our commands with more ease, they’re emotionally flexible which means we can help them get calmer when becoming aroused. Dogs that have more emotional flexibility and impulse control are less likely to do the things we don’t want them to do like chasing after wild animals. Teaching relaxation and encouraging calmness greatly improves the safety of your pack and each dog. Don’t ever under estimate the power of teaching dogs how to relax and encouraging calmness at dog camp. 


Relaxation as a skill is something we teach every dog and it truly is a skill they must master. We teach relaxation as a skill through creating significance in relaxation through praise and food rewards. We also teach the dogs relaxation is what gets them access to all good things at dog camp.

Learn so much more in lesson 4 to feel safe with your dogs!

Lesson #5 – How to Find Trails to Walk On

Dream BIG!

Finding private land to expand your dog walking and hiking business is beneficial to your growth and happiness. Have you been feeling stressed walking on public trails always concerned your dog’s won’t listen or that they may do something that tarnishes your reputation? 

I preach that after you build your pack to over 4-5 well behaved dogs it’s time to find private land to hike and walk on. Note how I said 4-5 well behaved dogs? 1 dog unsuitable for dog camp can feel like the equivalent to 4-5 well behaved dogs.


So pick your dogs wisely when using public trails. Nobody wants a strange off-leash dog with no recall rushing at their dog off-leash, let alone a pack of dogs. It’s just unfair. 

In this lesson I'm going to help you find your private land to expand and help more people and dogs!

Lesson #6 – The Pack Walk

Learn how to be a fair Pack Leader!

What is a pack walk?

We define a pack walk as the act of walking a pack of dogs behind you or beside you. Today, you’re going to learn our My Dog Camp proven process on how to create this!

But first, what’s the benefit of the pack walk?

Some key reasons for pack walking is to have more control over your pack when you’re walking by other people, dogs, tractors, cows and by roads for safety purposes.

Some less obvious reasons are to help with a dog’s impulse control. When you teach a dog to switch emotional states from running wild and free to walking behind you, you’re teaching them how to down regulate their emotional state and build impulse control.

When a dog struggles to become emotionally flexible it often looks like; not listening, running and getting the zoomies. An inability to be emotionally flexible and down regulate looks like the dog not listening. When a dog isn’t listening they’re difficult to influence and train. Not only do they struggle listening to us, they struggle listening to the other dogs and make the dogs uncomfortable when they overstep their boundaries. Now you can see why pack walking is an important skill to teach emotional regulation and impulse control.

You'll learn a ton about the pack walk in this last lesson!

Plus these Limited-Time Exclusive Bonuses!
Bonus #1 – Understanding Dog Communication (PDF Guide)

(11 Pages)

A Guide to Interpreting Dog Behavior and Body Language. This guide is designed to help dog owners and enthusiasts better understand the unique ways dogs communicate through their body language and behavior. Whether you're a new dog handler or a seasoned handler, learning how to interpret these signals is essential to building a stronger bond with your dogs and ensuring their happiness and well-being.


In this guide, we provide a general overview of key signs and behaviors to look out for, helping you decode everything from tail wags to ear positions. However, this is just the beginning. For those looking to dive deeper into these topics and gain more practical skills, we cover these areas extensively in My Dog Camp Online Course. Consider this guide your first step toward mastering the language of dogs!

Bonus #2 – Breed Biddability
for Dog Camp (PDF Guide)


(12 Pages)

Your go-to guide for understanding how different dog breeds might thrive in a dog camp environment. What is Biddability in dogs? Biddability refers to a dog’s natural willingness to follow commands, cooperate with their handler and learn new tasks. These traits make them more responsive to training and easier camp dogs.


While breed characteristics can give you a good starting point when considering whether a dog is suited for group activities, socialization, and outdoor adventures, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual. 


This guide offers a broad overview of breed tendencies, but the true key to success lies in evaluating each dog on a case-by-case basis.

Bonus #3 – Decoding Your
Dog (PDF Guide)


Are you struggling with your dogs?

Understanding a dog's natural drives that motivate them can help with your challenges.

What is a Drive?

A dog’s drive is an emotional state of mind. It’s the reason why a dog has a hard time coming back to you in the midst of playing with a dog or hunting squirrels. They can only be in 1 drive at a time. A dog is either in social, prey or defense drive.


We give an overview of each drive and how to work with different drive types.

(5 Pages)

Bonus #4 – How to Daisy Chain Your Long Lines (Video)

Learn how to store your long lines and say goodbye to tangles and knots!

This simple yet effective technique makes it easy to store your long lines!

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My Dog Camp Mini-Course


For Limited-Time Only $49!*

​*The cost of the Mini-Course is redeemable if you decide to signup for the My Dog Camp Online Course

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your journey, our jam-packed My Dog Camp Mini-Course is here to propel you towards your dream job of working with dogs and doing it really well! 


No matter where you stand on your path – be it starting a profitable dog camp, considering one, or expanding your dog handling skills – this Mini-Course is your ultimate guide!

What's included in the Mini-Course:

Lesson #1 - How to Create the Behaviors You Want with Your Pack of Dogs

Lesson #2 - How to Resolve Common Problem Behaviors on the Trail

Lesson #3 - How to Evaluate and Select Dogs

Lesson #4 - Safety on the Trail

Lesson #5 - How to Find Trails to Walk On

Lesson #6 - The Pack Walk

Plus these Bonuses:

Bonus #1 - Understanding Dog Communication (PDF Guide)

Bonus #2 - Breed Biddability (PDF Guide)

Bonus #3 - Decoding Your Dog (PDF Guide)

Bonus #4 - How to Daisy Chain Your Long Lines (Video)

Whether you’re ready to launch a brand-new business or simply looking to expand your dog-handling skills, this Mini-Course will guide you every step of the way.

Register Here

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